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NI-VISA provides support for customers using Ethernet, GPIB, serial, USB, and other types of instruments.

NI-VISA is an NI instrument driver that is an implementation of the Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (VISA) I/O standard. VISA is a standard for configuring, programming, and troubleshooting instrumentation systems comprising GPIB, VXI, PXI, serial (RS232/RS485), Ethernet/LXI, and/or USB interfaces. NI-VISA includes utilities, low-level control features, and examples to help you create your application.

Part Number(s): 777300-00 | 777300-03

Subscriptions and NI software services will automatically renew at the end of their terms at then-current prices. I understand that I can cancel my subscription or NI software service prior to each renewal date. Contact us with questions.